Book Review: Sky in the Deep by Adrienne Young

This makes a great addition to the canon of fantasy books featuring strong White women like the His Fair Assassins series by R.L. LaFevers, the Leigh Bardugo Wonder Woman: Warbringer, and the like. All of that said, I felt like this story didn't really add anything new to this genre.

Book Review: What the Night Sings by Vesper Stamper

For fans of Number the Stars, Letters from Rifka, and other WWII tween/YA reads, this provides a new perspective, telling two Holocaust stories we don't often hear - a secular Jew's confusion over both her treatment and, afterward, her religion, and the significance of music.

Book Review: Six-Gun Snow White by Catherynne M. Valente

Imagine Snow White, in the Wild West, a mix of White settlers and Native traditions. Now up the ante on the dark fantasy elements in the hands of master storyteller, Valente. The voice of each character - some familiar, some new - shine through the haunting and lyrica narration, the language reminiscent of an oral storytelling tradition.

New Releases: Books Published September 5, 2017 for Children + Teens

Another Tuesday, another round of new releases! Here are brief blurbs about some of my new favorite children’s picture books, middle grade novels, and teen reads that released today.

Talk Nerdy to Me

This is the most adorable, awkward, nerdy, empowering parody music video ever. I already loved the original song - Jason Derulo's "Talk Dirty" - but this brings it to a whole new level, because clearly, what the original was missing was books.